Project Name: Interactive Shape Control with Rational Cubic Splines

Team Member: Jose C. Arango
Programing Language: Javascript
Year: Spring 2021
Full program and .js files

My specific task was to interpret and code the paper that was assigned to us. The paper being “Interactive Shape Control with Rational Cubic Splines.” by Zulfiqar Habib, Manabu Sakai and Muhammad Sarfraz. In doing this, I created a fully working interpolation spline program that is capable of constructing complex shapes with relative ease. This is due to the fine controls that are implemented. This program consists of over a thousand lines of code to achieve this.

Screen Shot 2021-06-27 at 11.14.35 PM.png

This flowchart breaks down how the program functions on a basic level. Starting with the points placed by the user as inputs and constructing the curve connecting them based on the parameters at each point. These parameters being three separate weights and the segment type. Knowing these, and a few more if the segment is circular, the interpolation curve can be draw.

The program functions similar to a vector based graphic software like Adobe Illustrator.

More specifics about this paper can be read here




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